Saturday, December 28, 2019

Spreading the Good Friday Message

Christmas may be at the top of the festival chart, but Easter also ranks high among the favorites. But before the happy Easter celebrations, Christians observe Lent, a forty-day period of penance and fasting. The Friday that comes before Easter is Good Friday. Good Friday has religious significance since it is the day that Jesus Christ was crucified. Good Friday is regarded as a day of mourning among Christians. Special church service is held on Good Friday. The Friday Before Easter Unlike Christmas, which falls on December 25 every year, there is no fixed date for Easter. This is because Easter is based on the lunar calendar. Hence, Easter typically occurs somewhere between March 22 and April  25. After much research and calculations, religious scholars concluded that Jesus crucifixion took place on a Friday. The estimated year of Jesus crucifixion is 33 CE. Good Friday is also referred to as Black Friday, Holy Friday, and Great Friday. The Story of Good Friday The famous Bible story begins with Judas Iscariots betrayal of Jesus. Despite being one of Christs disciples, Judas betrayed Christ. Jesus was brought before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate. Although Pilate could not find any evidence against Jesus, he gave in to the crowds clamor to crucify Christ. Christ was flogged, made to wear a crown of thorns, and eventually crucified alongside two common criminals. The story goes that when Christ finally gave up his spirit there was an earthquake. This happened on Friday, which later came to be known as Good Friday. Jesuss followers later placed his body in a tomb just before sunset. However, the wondrous tale does not end here. On the third day, which is now known as Easter, Jesus rose from the grave. As an American author, Susan Coolidge put it, Earths saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart! This is why most Easter quotes brim over with happiness. A famous quote by Carl Knudsen goes, The story of Easter is the story of Gods wonderful window of divine surprise. The Promise of Easter The tale of Good Friday is incomplete without the optimism of Easter. Christs death by crucifixion is closely followed by his resurrection. Similarly, the promise of eternal life follows the despair of death. 20th century English Christian leader and Anglican cleric John Stott once proclaimed, We live and die; Christ died and lived! In these words lies the promise of Easter. The gloom of death is replaced with unsullied joy, an optimism that shines through in these words of St. Augustine, And he departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find Him. For He departed, and behold, He is here. If you seek a deeper understanding of Christianity, this collection of Easter quotes and sayings may be insightful. Sacrifice and Triumph Christs death on the cross is regarded as the supreme sacrifice. The crucifixion and the following resurrection are widely regarded as the triumph of good over evil. Augustus William Hare, writer, historian and reverend, expressed his beliefs beautifully in the following lines, The cross was two pieces of dead wood; and a helpless, unresisting Man was nailed to it; yet it was mightier than the world, and triumphed, and will ever triumph over it. Good Friday Traditions The prevailing mood on Good Friday is that of repentance, not celebration. Churches remain undecorated on this Friday of the Holy Week. Church bells do not ring. Some churches cover the altar with black cloth as a sign of mourning. On Good Friday, pilgrims to Jerusalem follow the path Jesus walked carrying his cross. The pilgrims stop at the twelve stations of the cross, as a reminder of Jesus sufferings and death. Similar walks are observed around the world, especially among Roman Catholics who undertake the walk in a bid to atone for Jesuss agonies. Special services are held in many churches. Some organize dramatic renderings of the events leading up to the crucifixion of Christ. The Relevance of Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday Children often look forward to eating hot cross buns on Good Friday. Hot cross buns are so-called because of the pastry cross that runs across them. The cross reminds Christians of the cross on which Jesus died. In addition to eating hot cross buns, families often clean their homes on Good Friday to prepare for the big celebration on Easter Sunday. The Good Friday Message Among other things, Good Friday is a reminder of the compassion and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Whether or not you believe in religion, Good Friday tells us a tale of hope. The Bible upholds the teachings of Jesus -- words of wisdom that are valid even after two thousand years. Jesus spoke of love, forgiveness, and truth, and not of violence, fanaticism, or revenge. He eschewed ritual for spirituality, urging his followers to tread the path of goodness. Regardless of whether Good Friday is near or far, we all stand to gain from these Jesus Christ quotes. Spread the Good Friday message of compassion and love through these quotes. John 3:16God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Augustus William HareThe cross was two pieces of dead wood; and a helpless, unresisting Man was nailed to it; yet it was mightier than the world, and triumphed, and will ever triumph over it. Robert G. Trache Good Friday is the mirror held up by Jesus so that we can see ourselves in all our stark reality, and then it turns us to that cross and to his eyes and we hear these words, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Thats us! Theodore Ledyard CuylerExalt the Cross! God has hung the destiny of the race upon it. Other things we may do in the realm of ethics, and on the lines of philanthropic reforms; but our main duty converges into setting that one glorious beacon of salvation, Calvarys Cross, before the gaze of every immortal soul. William PennSo shall we join the disciples of our Lord, keeping faith in Him in spite of the crucifixion, and making ready, by our loyalty to Him in the days of His darkness, for the time when we shall enter into His triumph in No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. Robert G. Trache There is no faith in Jesus without understanding that on the cross we see into the heart of God and find it filled with mercy for the sinner whoever he or she may be. Bill HybelsGod led Jesus to a cross, not a crown, and yet that cross ultimately proved to be the gateway to freedom and forgiveness for every sinner in the world. T. S. EliotThe dripping blood our only drink,The bloody flesh our only food:In spite of which we like to thinkThat we are sound, substantial flesh and blood--Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of The Movie The Romantic Dramedy Sepet By...

Minority Life in Malaysia: An Analysis of Cultural Injustice for Chinese Characters in Sepet The romantic dramedy Sepet, written and directed by Yasmin Ahmad, follows the romantic arc of Orked, a Malay female and Ah Loong, a male of Chinese descent who self Identifies as Jason. Orked’s family has a stable, wholesome life, where they do not seem to have any financial obligation, and can afford to pay for their live-in maid. The father, who is seemingly young, is retired. The family is not incredibly rich, however, they live in a house away from the dangerous of inner city gangs. Jason is from a poor, disjointed family, and lives under forced allegiance to the local gang, who require a tribute of 600 Malaysian Ringgits a week. The gang hounds him and his friends, making sure that they pay up every week. Jason’s story arc begins with him being 300 Ringgits in debt, as he decided to help pay for his friend’s brother’s college fees. By choosing to do so, he is put on warning by Jimmy’s, a criminal organization that tax’s the people of his town, with only a week to pay back the remaining amount. Inner city living quite often creates environments similar to the one Jason and his friends are living in. The only hope for these characters is to find a way to leave the city. In the conventions of traditional society, members of the lower classes seemingly have three methods of breaking their â€Å"glass ceiling†: educational success, artistic success, and through illegal activities.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Going into English free essay sample

At first, thought hat wasnt going to learn anything but at the end I found it amazing how this class helped me. I never thought could write a four page essay but as the time was passing I didnt realize that I was improving in my writing. My first stage was my first challenge, I didnt know how to start, but put my headphones on and started typing. The next day, I asked for help in The Writing center and they gave great advices that had to do with my organization. When I turned it in couldnt wait to get my teachers responses, which also helped me a lot to see what shouldve or shouldve not done .In my second stage the level of difficulty was raised up since we had to write more than 3 pages and that brought my attention higher. In stage 3 all the work I had to do was to organize my ideas for my next stage which was another research that gave me the ability of separating my topics. We will write a custom essay sample on Going into English or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In stage 4 we had to make an investigation where I learned how to do primary research. And had to Interview a person and that gave me a challenge of communicating with other people for my project. And finally stage 5 became to be a little easier since it was a reflection of all the work we had already one, it made me realize that really improve in my compositions. Worked really hard this semester because wanted to start college with a good take off. In high school my disadvantage was my lack of maturity, But now that Im in an upper level there are no choices left; either I raised my esteem or I would fail. I think that thats another reason why Im having a good time writing these essays.Sharing and expressing my own opinions is something that couldnt have in high school, because there werent big challenges that would make us work really hard. This semester has become a semester full of challenges, improvements, and successes. I can now make an essay with facility, make my points and get the readers comprehend my ideas. I definitely improve from where I was first. I had to brainstorm so could get all my points together . 1 actually wrote short paragraphs in my paper so wouldnt forget later, and after that I would give a longer description about that same paragraph.What I really like at the end of every article is that we had to write a response which gave me a final understanding of what the article would talk about. One of the most difficult challenge had this semester was being able to read an article in a short amount of time . 1 separated the paragraphs so could get a better understanding of the lecture . Finding the audiences was the first and most important thing learned in reading. Also learned to identify the main ideas of a topic, and I really enjoyed reading the articles since we shared our opinions in class.Everything went easier when I started to recognize my own errors and then correct them by myself; I accomplished all the steps that needed to understand the world f writing communication. I can call myself now an experienced writer, because I think I have all the requirements that writing, reading and learning needs. This class really helped me improve in all this three areas and Im glad it did, because all this knowledge is going to benefit me for my future projects. What I also liked about this class was that really was comfortable with the class and that helped me just be myself.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Concept of ‘Early’ and ‘Late’ Industrialization Essay Sample free essay sample

Can the construct of ‘early’ and ‘late’ industrialisation explain the cardinal institutional and organisational features of national concern systems. and do they hold any bearing on long-run national fight? Introduction The construct of industrialisation has been used among different states and parts. while many states have carried out their ain industrialisation advancement during the past several decennaries. which stimulates the development of organisations and better corporate public presentation. There are different sorts of national concern systems with their typical features changing among states. Then ‘early’ and ‘late’ industrialisation is applied to depict two chief types of national concerns that bing in developed and developing states. which explains the cardinal institutional and organisational differences among states in peculiar to some extend. Each state has fallowed different tract and carried out their industrialisation in different period. It is known that the UK is the first state that achieved early industrialisation revolution. which was followed by the US. And so in the late 20th century. Germany. Japan and China implemented their industrialisation procedure with dramatic alteration on their economic public presentation. The intent of this essay is to utilize the construct of ‘early’ and ‘late’ industrialisation to explicate the cardinal institutional and organisational features of national concern systems by comparative position. First of all. the theories of industrialisation will be displayed. Then this paper will concentrate on five chief comparative states. which are United States. Japan. Britain. Germany and China. to clear up major differences of national concern systems. Furthermore. farther deductions and debates upon these states long-run national fight will be given to measure the effectivity of industrialisation. Theories of ‘early’ and ‘late’ industrialisation The UK was regarded as the innovator that ab initio experienced early industrialisation in the eighteenth and 19th centuries. which shifted its national economic construction from agricultural to industrial economic. carried out engineering invention. and established its leader industrial place in the universe. Soon after. the US took over the taking power because of developing new establishment. mechanisation. and skilled labour in the early 19th century. Gerschenkron ( 1962 ) mentioned that the UK’s industrialisation is alone since there was no old engineering or invention to copy. Both the UK and the US have achieved successful revolution during their industrialisation procedure. Harmonizing to Amsden ( 1989 ) . late industrialisation took topographic point within a set of developing states with economical retardation from the 20th century. These provinces growing were based on natural stuffs and industry investing. which increased their national income dramatically such as Japan and China. The cardinal characteristics attached to the late development states are that they generate high income and reform their productive constructions by engineering acquisition or betterment from more progresss states. And such economic systems are accompanied with authorities intercession. replacing of market mechanism and centralisation in taking sectors. In fact. the advanced engineering and new establishment from early industrialisation drama important function for late industrialisation states. which rushing up them to execute better in a short period of clip. Rostow and Gerschenkron are two chief theoreticians that argued with the differences between early and late industrialisation. Rostow’s position ( 1960 ) focused on the tract of industrialisation that all states experience different development phases of industrialisation. which are the stipulations phase. ‘take-off stage’ and adulthood phase. However. his theory such as the pre-conditioned phase is more applicable to the UK and the US. but makes small sense for other states. particularly those late industrialisation states. On the reverse. harmonizing to Alexander Gershenkron ( 1962 ) . states can be classified into three degrees: advanced. reasonably backward. and rearward. He pointed out that different economic degrees have their ain demands and they may non follow the same procedure of industrialisation. Furthermore. he raised the most influential theory related to late industrialisation that the economically backward provinces may hold rapider growing rate as they are late comers. and the national development procedure relied on the grade of economic retardation. That is to state the more backward a state. the faster it will progress ( ibid ) . Fiscal system and Business groups There are several facets of early and late industrialisation that conveying about institutional and organisational features differences among states. The assorted fiscal systems and concern groups is one of the key factors which affect the existent economic behaviour. Harmonizing to Hutton ( 1995 ) . the fiscal systems in the UK and US are stock market oriented. which require high returns comparatively. The major organisations are controlled by stock-holders in the US. These fiscal establishments operate their concern while merchandising portions in an intense competitory stock market. which makes them to set and respond rapidly to altering market conditions. Hence such unstable investing environment forces all the companies take the hazard of being merged or taken over by challengers every bit long as they occupy their portions mostly on the stock market. In comparing. in Germany. Japan and China. fiscal system is less market-based than in the UK and US. They are usually directed by the province. and the stock market does non be. Therefore. they tend to trust on bank oriented fiscal system. which may assist develop economic system quickly. There are more duties for organisations and banking system to heighten corporate fiscal public presentation. instead than deriving values and money with stock market. Both German and Nipponese fiscal systems possess a long term position to work in partnership. Hutton ( 1995 ) mentioned that Germany respects bank as their loyal stockholder on behalf of typical companies. in order to do long-run loans. They besides concentrate on labour preparation and instruction. which brings them a big skilled work force. The Nipponese economic system develops long-run relationships with their employees for the interest of trust. repute and cooperation. They improve and transform their employees’ accomplishm ents to do them as corporate plus ( Lazonick. 1997 ) . In add-on. China. as the most recent late developer whose fiscal system is mostly dominated by the authorities. The Chinese organisations get finance or investing from province or banking system. while the province provides engineering and accomplishments for their farther promotion. National concern groups make a farther institutional difference between early and late industrialisation states. In footings of external institutional characteristics. early developers such as Britain and the US operate atomistic companies. Making concern group is illegal in the US. because of their anti-monopoly statute law. Therefore. Anglo-American systems tend to hold higher competitory mechanism that all companies can take over or unify other companies by buying their stock portions. Organizations hire and fire employees freely every bit good as hapless labour preparation investing and direction that consequence in a comparatively low occupation security. ( Hutton. 1995 ) . However. Germany. Japan and China as late developers created concern groups and trusts with concerted mechanism. which centralize their scarce capital and technological resources on critical concerns ( Abe A ; Fitzgerald. 1995 ) . In Germany. organisations believe that they would profit from capable employee s. therefore they tend to develop and develop their workers to highest possible criterions. Similarly. Nipponese houses depend on long term coaction with their employees. clients and providers. There are besides some internal institutional factors separating the early and late industrialisation differences. First of all. the UK and the US are stock market oriented as short-termism. whereas Germany and Japan are long termism supported by powerful banking loans. In footings of instruction degrees. both Britain and the US are comparatively low. Weak public instruction. low industrial preparation and low investing in research and development are chief features of early developed states. On the contrary. the late industrialised states Germany and Japan are intervened by province. and national investing characterizes them with high direction instruction. high research and development. high industrial preparation. and high occupation security. In China. organisations are operated independently by relevant ministry. due to their planned economic system and province coordination. Such intensive authorities control makes China still has long gap to catch up with developed states ( No lan. 2001 ) . The function of authorities The function of authorities is another cardinal institutional factor differing in early and late industrialisation. Harmonizing to Amsden and Kikino ( 1994 ) . government’s activities fundamentally include developing transit. bettering instruction and communications. every bit good as stabilising banking systems and legalising administrative models. During the early development period. authorities had played a positive function in the UK. However. the UK and the US fiscal systems are market based. which focus on puting on stock market. therefore reduces the authorities power. The high involvement rate and return of stock market find these states will non hold long term relationship with authorities and Bankss. For illustration. the US national railroad system was stock-orientation organisation. It developed with small authorities intercession and investing. In comparing. authorities intercession is involved more in late economic systems such as Germany and Japan. They are regulated by authorities and economically supported by bank. For illustration. German authorities has provided high intercession and fiscal investing on their economic system growing. since the limited return on stock market. In footings of Japan. authorities has played a important function in economic development. The State intervened to steady economic system and bucked up industrial revolution during the station war period. such as the constitution of Ministry of International Trade and Industry. China is characterized with strong authorities intercession during its industrialisation procedure. and Chinese authorities and bank played a different function than other late developers. The dramatic economic growing rate of China in the past decennaries is mostly related to their authorities support. which organizations’ ownership chiefly belongs to the province ( Lee. 2005 ) . For blink of an eye. Shougang Iron and Steel Group ( Capital Steel Corporation ) is one of the largest steel companies in China. whose concern was supported by Chinese authorities before. and competent to run by itself now. The function of bank Banks were helpful for the early industrialisation states. However the shareholding is more critical in Anglo-American capitalist systems. Harmonizing to Sylla and Tonilolo ( 1991 ) . advanced states such as the UK had acquired original accretion and sustainable corporate net incomes. and they could do the use of direct fiscal beginnings when it began its industrialisation. Their fiscal systems are market based and they pursued high market returns from organisations. Gerschenkron argued that in footings of reasonably backward economic systems. bank system is an of import agent for their industrial supply when compared to advanced states. The function of Bankss is important particularly in the determination devising of late developed states. Harmonizing to Hobday ( 2003 ) the late industrialisation states can easy construct up their corporate trade name. run their merchandises distribution overseas. implement research and development plans and be able to derive their added value with production. stigmatization and distribution. Late comer such and Germany and Japan are typically counties supported by Bankss. they ever enhance their research and development through extend their public presentation on invention systems. They mostly rely on the long term loan provided by Bankss to run their concern during industrialisation procedure. These states seem to be more attractive for foreign direct investings ( FDI ) because of their lower labor cost. For illustration. Japan was extremely dominated by the US stockholders after Second World War. since its economic environment attracted FDI. The industrialisation of Japan was abl e to develop due to the old engineering accomplishment from early developed states. such as pharmacies and electronic industries. which posed better public presentation and competitory advantage over former states. These industries received fiscal support from authorities and bank. therefore the stock market played less of import function than those market oriented states ( Amsden and Hikino. 1994 ) . On the other manus. China owns legion authorities back uping endeavors. which runing with modern direction accomplishments and advanced engineering from Japan every bit good as the long term loan signifier Bankss. There are two fiscal currency bing in China to keep their fiscal stableness. which are US dollar in broad circulation and foreign currencies. China has late attracted both early and late developers for FDI as their inexpensive labor. Many planetary establishments have established their sub-factories in China. which resulted in a higher export rate than rivals. With such influential public presentation worldwide. China gained better competitory advantages and developed its industries quickly. since possessing the resources and advantages which Japan and Germany were deficiency of ( Lee. 2005 ) . Decision Gerschenkron has concluded that there is no individual tract suited for all nations’ industrialisation. In other words. the development of late industrialisation states may hold their ain institutional and organisational features. alternatively of following the same form of early developers. The UK and the US are typical stock market oriented states that experient industrialisation before 20th century. They achieved great economic success through restructuring and engineering invention as innovators. Such early developers do non to a great extent rely on the aid of authorities and Bankss. which organisations are operated and controlled by stakeholders. The altering investing environment therefore causes hazards of stock market. and may non convey sustainable competitory advantages to these short-termism establishments. On the contrary. Germany. Japan developed subsequently following the UK and the US. which are long termism with strong authorities intercession. Their concern g roups are characterized by high public instruction. high research and development. high industrial preparation. and high occupation security. The authorities and bank have played a important function of fiscal supporting and economic development to these late comers. which provide long term competitory advantages every bit good. China is regarded as another late industrialisation state with dramatic economic growing in recent old ages. There are legion organisations are supported by authorities with long term loan from Bankss. The most indispensable factor is that China has mostly attracted FDI with its low pay labor and realizes uninterrupted development. without being affected severely by planetary fiscal crisis. Nevertheless. the late developers may non ever more win than the early developers. Germany and Japan had show a diminution in their GDP compared to the Britain and the US in last decennary. Late comers get long term investing from province and bank may ensue in deficiency of capital. and other factors such as the civilization. the war and the nature catastrophe will besides hold impact on sustainable economic pu blic presentation. Mention Abe A ; R. Fitzgerald ( 1995 ) . Beginnings of Nipponese Economic Power Amable ( 2003 ) . The diverseness of Modern Capitalism Oxford University Press Amsden. A. H. A ; Hikino. T. ( 1994 ) `Staying behind. faltering back. mousing up. surging in front: late industrialisation in historical perspective’ . in W. J. Baumol et Al. . Convergence of Productivity: Cross-national Surveies and Historical Evidence Amsden. A. H. ( 1989 ) . Asia’s Following Giant: South Korea and Late Industrialization Oxford University Press Gerschenkron. G. ( 1962 ) ‘Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective’ . The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Cambridge. Hobday. M. ( 2003 ) ‘Innovation in Asiatic Industrialization: A Gerschenkronian Perspective. ’ Oxford Development Studies. 31 ( 3 ) pp. 129-136 Hutton. W. . ( 1995 ) ‘The political economic system of the world’s capitalism’ . The State We’re In Jacoby. S. M. ( 1990 ) . Norms and rhythms: The kineticss of nonunion industrial dealingss in the United States. 1897-1987. In New developments in the labour market: Toward a new institutional paradigm. Lazonick. W. . Dore. R. and de Jong. HW. ( 1997 ) . The corporate trigon: theconstruction and public presentation of corporate systems in a planetary economic system. Oxford: Blackwell Lee. C. M. ( 2005 ) . China’s rise. Asia’s quandary. The National Interest. 9 edition. Nolan ( 2001 ) . China and the Global Economy Rostow. W. ( 1960 ) ‘Stages of the Economic Growth’ . 3rd erectile dysfunction. . Cambridge University Press. Sylla. R and Tonilolo. G ( 1991 ) . Patterns of European Industrialization: the Nineteenth Century Routledge